Hello, I’m Xiyu, a Dutch-born Austrian drawing artist with Chinese origins. I worked in the global development industry before becoming an artist, holding a MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a BA from Heidelberg University as well as a BA from the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg.
I have lectured at Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Hochschule Weißensee Berlin and Akademie der Künste Wien.
Please say hi!
_2024 Artist in Residence at Fondation de l’Allemagne Maison Heinrich Heine
_2023 Artist in Residence of Upper Austria, Atelierhaus Salzamt (AT)
_2022 Raus! Einfach Raus!-Stipendium awarded by BKM Hamburg & Literaturhaus Hamburg
_2022 Artist in Residence
ART OMI New York (USA)
_2022 Artist in Residence Atelierhaus Salzamt (AT)
_2022 Contemporary Art Selection, Gabrovo Biennial (BG)
_2021 Drawing Prize, Runner-up, Bronzolo (IT)
_2021 Hamburger Zukunftsstipendium
_2021 Mentorship The Centre for the Less Good Idea (with Sabine Theunissen)
_2021 Shortlist Hamburger Bilderbuchpreis
_2021 stART.up Weiterförderungsstipendium awarded by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung
_2020 stART.up Stipendium awarded by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung
_2020 Lion Feuchtwanger Stipendium awarded by Stiftung Kommunikationsaufbau
_2019 Artist in Residence
A4 Museum Chengdu & Goethe Institut China (CN)
_2016 Travel Grant to Brazil awarded by Bayerischer Presseverband der evangelischen Kirche e.V.
_2016 Top 10 Ravensburger Picture Book Competition
_2016 Shortlist Poster Competition Deutsches Studierendenwerk e.V.
_2016 Winner Picture This! International Picture Book Competition
_2025 murmeln im digitalen Nebel, Versuchshaus Lübeck
_2024 Maison Heinrich Heine, Paris*
_2023 Dublin Art Book Fair
_2023 GRAFIXX Festival, Belgium
_2023 The F* Word, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
_2023 TAKE AWAY, Atelierhaus Salzamt, with Si-Ying Fung
_2022 Contemporary Art, Gabrovo Biennial
_2022 TraditiNOen, Hinterconti, Hamburg
_2022 OUT OF OFFICE, Atelierhaus Salzamt Frisiersalon*
_2022 Anonymous Drawings, Galerie im Körnerpark Berlin
_2022 12 Months x 12 Zines, MOM Art Space Hamburg*
_2022 Ikonografie der Trauer, Ohlsdorf Cemetary
_2022 ADONIS, Galerie 21 Hamburg
_2021 Thinking in Cardboard, The Centre for the Less Good Idea
_2021 Somethingtogoto, Lübeck
_2021 fluctoplasma
_2021 Colonial Heritage Revisited, Freiraum, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
_2021 Get_Together, Galerie Wassermühle Trittau
_2020 Inside Draftswomen,Galerie 21 Hamburg
_2019 Body as Archive,
A4 Museum Chengdu
_2019 Deichtorhallen Hamburg KDK
_2019 Formation Now Festival
_2019 Bürgerhaus Eidelstedt
_2019 Casa Tinta, Bogotá
_2019 Fabrik der Künste Hamburg
_2017 Zentralbibliothek Hamburg
_2017 Rellinger Lesewochen
_2017 Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
_2016 Kellertheater Hamburg
_2016 Frappant e.V. Hamburg
_2016 TASTE Festival Hamburg
* solo
_2024 LA PASSANTE (artist book)
_2023 HfK dekolonial with guest Beatrace Angut Lorika Oola, co-editors Cornelia Lund and Mara Recklies
_2022 Bella TRISTE #62
_2021 12 Months x 12 Zines (self-published artist book series)
_2021 Literarische Diverse
Magazin #4
_2021 FORWARD FESTIVAL What makes you happy?
_2020 FUKT magazine #19 for contemporary drawing
_2020 Bella TRISTE
_2019 KUTI #51 Finnish Comic Magazine
_2019 Chengdu Drawings
(self-published artist book)
_2019 modern love – matchmakig in Chengdu’s People’s Park (self-published artist book)
_2019 ich dachte, die dinge werden mit der zeit einfacher (self-published artist book)
_2018 Schick #10 German-French Comic Magazine
_2018 Inbetweenrooms
(self-published artist book)
_2018 Der Verlust oder das Finden von Dingen
(self-published artist book)
_2018 it’s a match
(self-published artist book)
_2017 Projekt Memory Cultures, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
_2017 gewichtungen
(self-published artist book)
_Maison Heinrich Heine Paris, France
_National Irish Visual Arts Library, Ireland
_Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany
_Klingspor Museum, Germany
_A4 Museum Chengdu, China
_Museum for Humor & Satire, Bulgaria
_Private Collections